Sunday, December 04, 2005

Hey Frog -
Just a brief status update... there never seems to be the right time for blogging when I am actually inside the US of A. My multi-hop return via La Paz, Lima and Los Angeles was rather uneventful, albeit yet another reinforcemnet of why I have gotten addicted to flying in the front of airplanes only. Red-eyes suddenly turn into the most desirable kind of flying, as they save so much time without all the exhaustion that comes with being squeezed into the trunk of the cabin space. Obviously, my bottle of champagne to tuck me in properly certainly doesn't hurt, either. Now that I am back in the States for a few days I can see exactly why I don't want to be here right now: Rain, wind, cold. Well, actually, we've had blue skies yesterday and today for a change, so I shamelessly undressed and enjoyed my beach - what a beautiful day it was by the sea yesterday! Okey dokey, gotta get going - big German dinner tonight, so I have to get back to the stove.