Monday, March 31, 2003

Yo Kermit... Just got back from my pre-checkride with the chief pilot. Wonderful conditions; everything went great with the exception of a few minor things. Just about everything seemd to be up to PTS standards! Gonna study and practice some more and then I'll hopefully make it next Wednesday... T-8 days now!
Morning K - woohoo, it's summer! First 80/80+ weekend of the year. Drove the rabbit topless all weekend. Saturday on the beach on a double-whammy of good news - MV will finally re-open two weeks from now and they actually did manage to get a new outdoor bar going. Good old times... April 19 is the first big day there. Did some more solo flying, too - awesome weather all over the South Bay.

Wednesday, March 26, 2003

Heya Kermit... flying again this morning if the weather improves - more unusual attitudes! Exactly 2 weeks to the checkride. Read the first part of "Stick and Rudder" last night - yeah, it was written back in 1944. The good old WL has a language that makes even foreigners cringe! It might actually help, though...

Tuesday, March 25, 2003

Salut KJ - Getting really pissed now... I don't care about body count and all that other ultimate bushwarrior crap in the mideast - all I know is that the fucking stock market tanked yet another time yesterday. Good thing I finally wisened up several months ago; I've been leaving everything I save in cash ever since. Still, should have sold out the rest and run with the money while I could. Anyway, if I do take a year off to travel it will be more than enough to live well.

Monday, March 24, 2003

Hi Jr... Finally received my "Stick and Rudder" book in the mail today. Hopefully, the FAA examiner will take notice of my studies. Only 15 days to go!
Hey blog... I decided to give you a name! It's "Kermit Jr." - I'll give you the story behind this later.
Still no word from DHS BCIS. Filed 12/19/2002 (yep, that was my 33rd birthday!), Notice of Action was supposed to be issued between 01/19/2003 and 02/19/2003 (30-60 days). One month plus overdue now... filed a petition for the personal attention of the California Service Center Director in Laguna Niguel last week. Will have to leave x+180 days if no word earlier (and no DV lottery, either). Hence... target date for freedom, one way or another, is 07/31/2003.
Hello my new blog... let's go!